Easiest WordPress Twitter Widget
“Simple Twitter Plugin” is a WordPress Twitter Widget plugin that allows to display timeline for Tweets from an individual user, a user’s favorites, Twitter lists, or any search query or #hashtag as a widget in your sidebar (as you can see on the right side of this page). You can customize widget colors, style, size etc.
Free Download .ZIP WordPress.org Page
Mobile Support
- Works on major smartphone browsers
- Interface is adaptive for touch (e.g. actions will always be visible, and spacing adjusted.)
- Graphics optimized for Retina and other high-density displays
- Uses web intents for interaction, which also are designed adaptively for mobile
- Upload simple-twitter-plugin directory to your /wp-content/plugins directory
- Activate plugin in WordPress admin
- In WordPress admin, go to “Widgets”. Drag “STP – Twitter Timeline” into your sidebar
- Enter your Twitter widget ID. Read “Where to find Twitter widget ID?” for more info
- Select the colors by clicking on the color field and then on the color wheel or type there the color code (e.g. #aabbcc)
- Select “dark” or “light” theme
- Select if you want to show widget header, footer, scrollbar or border
- Select if you want widget background to be transparent
- Set number of tweets to show if you don’t want “load more” feature